Fights corruption, advocates for good governance since 1990!

They are hiding the truth from us.

The disaster of the Iron Swords War shocked the country and exposed serious failures that led to a tragic loss of life. We demand the establishment of a State Commission of Inquiry into the failures of October 7th!

Equal Conscription For All!

These days we are spearheading the Equal Burden campaign –
we demand the promotion of an equal and comprehensive conscription law, which will apply to all of Israeli society, without exception.

The rule of law has prevailed!

Following a petition by the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the Judicial Selection Committee fulfilled its duty and appointed a President and Deputy President to the Supreme Court
Go and save Israel!


Who we are?

Who we are?

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel For almost 34 years, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel (MQG) has been at the forefront of preserving Israel’s democracy. An independent, non-partisan grassroots movement, MQG has evolved into one of Israel’s largest and most effective public interest organizations, with more than 70,000 members exposing public corruption and regulatory flaws and actively promoting the rule of law and better government. MQG works for the people and is accountable solely to its primary stakeholder – the public.

Our Causes and Fields of Activity

Legal Division

Our dedicated Legal Department, recognized as Israel's foremost advocate for accountability and integrity.

Economic Division

Our Economic Department plays a vital role in upholding good governance by monitoring economic agreements to safeguard public interests.

Education Division

We run a variety of lectures and workshops on the subjects of education for activism and democratic values. Together we will create a significant social change.

Activism and Demonstrations Division

Leading the fight to promote the quality of government in Israel through activities in the field, advocacy and professional training.

Strategy Division

Promoting the establishment of a constitution for the State of Israel. Initiating, leading, and participating in legislative processes with relevant government authorities.


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זום היכרות עם תוכניות החינוך של התנועה

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יום איכות השלטון 2024

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