The Movement for Quality Government in Israel: strongly attacks the government’s decision to change the method of appointing the civil service commissioner, while blatantly ignoring the position of the attorney general


“This is a serious violation of the principles of good governance and threatens the independence and professionalism of the civil service. Transferring the power of appointment directly to the prime minister opens a dangerous door to political appointments and government corruption, while trampling on the rule of law and the values ​​of democracy. We call on the government to walk back this harmful decision and pledge to fight with all the means at our disposal to protect standards in public life and the independence of the civil service.”

Chair of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, Adv. Dr. Eliad Shraga: “This is a direct continuation of the prime minister long campaign to take control of the procedures for civil service appointments which began back in 1996 with the dismissal of Prof. Galnor. His goal is clear – to fill the public service with political cronies and corrupt it from the ground up. The results of this policy led to a complete collapse of the system, as we tragically saw on October 7th. The Movement for Quality Government is determined to curb this dangerous attempt and stop the wave of corruption that threatens to flood the country.”

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