The Movement for Quality Government in Israel on Minister Ben Gvir’s decision to promote Superintendent Meir Suissa to the rank of chief superintendent, despite the indictment against him


This is a scandalous decision by Minister Ben Gvir, in complete opposition to the Police Ordinance and despite the pending indictment against Suissa.

This is a serious violation of the rule of law, standards in public life and public trust in the law enforcement system. Minister Ben Gvir is showing his blatant disdain for the rule of law and the basic principles of good governance, clearly ignoring the rule that states that a police officer who is facing a disciplinary or criminal proceeding will not be promoted until the procedure is concluded.

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel calls on the attorney general to act to cancel this unlawful decision and to prevent serious damage to the basic principles of good governance. We will continue to fight with all our might for standards in public life.

Website By Minuf