The response of the petitioner, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, to remarks by Justice Minister Yariv Levin regarding the convening of the judicial appointments committee


Yariv Levin, the minister of justice and a lawyer by training, continues to ignore the clear provisions of the law and interpret them as he sees fit. The Courts Law states unequivocally that from the moment the committee is convened, its working procedures will be determined by the committee and not by the dictates of anyone else. Apparently the legislator took into consideration the possibility that an irresponsible person would be appointed minister, and tried to avert the kind of contempt for the judicial appointments process that Levin exhibits.

We also remind Levin, a member of the Likud party – the one that in the past boasted about elections and liberalism – that there is not a single democratic country in the world where the government imposes positions on people who did not ask for them, and even publicly state that they did not want them. Here we have another glimpse of the dark “democratic” concepts of Levin, who wants the executive to be the one that controls the other two branches of government.

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