We have stood and continue to stand guard with regard to improper appointments and conflicts of interest in the local authorities.
We held training sessions for candidates in the local elections on the issues of election purity and governance free from corruption.
We continued to implement the new legislation that states that coalition agreements must be published on the Authority’s website as part of a transparency standard.
Struggle to maintain equality before the law and prevent personal and improper legislation: the disqualification of Aryeh Deri from his position as Minister of Health and Minister of the Interior in the 37th government.
The amendment to the Basic Law: The Judiciary cancellation of the reasonableness standard. The amendment to the law was annulled.
Dead Sea Concession Transparency: In our efforts to prepare for the end of ICL’s concession at the Dead Sea, we utilized freedom of information procedures. These procedures shed light on concession conditions, empowering us and the public to fight for ICL’s right of first refusal.
Protecting Pension Funds: Over the past year and a half, we fiercely opposed Alfred Akirov’s takeover attempt of Clal Insurance Company and our pension funds. MQG’s persistent efforts paid off as the Capital Market Authority rejected Akirov’s application, safeguarding our pension funds from his control.
Food Stamps Reform: We achieved a significant public victory by petitioning the Supreme Court against the Ministry of the Interior’s food stamp distribution. The court agreed with us, demanding a more egalitarian mechanism, paving the way for crucial reforms.