The Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the main petitioner for equal recruitment, in response to the violent demonstrations at the IDF draft office:


The Movement for Quality Government in Israel strongly condemns the violent demonstrations and the attempts to disrupt the recruitment process at the draft office in Tel Hashomer. We take very seriously the attempts of extremist elements in ultra-Orthodox society to prevent ultra-Orthodox youth from fulfilling their legal and moral duty to the state.

Adv. Dr. Eliad Shraga, chair of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel: “The disturbances caused by extremist factions are an unlawful attempt to undermine the rule of law and perpetuate inequality in bearing the security burden. Moreover, they constitute a serious violation of the freedom of choice of those ultra-Orthodox youth who wish to serve the state.

However, we emphasize that sending only 2,000 conscription orders when there are 63,000 eligible ultra-Orthodox conscripts is a minimal step that does not meet the requirements of the Supreme Court and does not provide a real solution to the problem of inequality in recruitment. We call on the IDF and the Ministry of Defense to increase the pace of conscription and to meet the goal of recruiting all 63,000 eligible ultra-Orthodox, as stipulated in the Supreme Court ruling.

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel will continue to closely monitor the implementation of the court ruling and will use all the legal means at its disposal to ensure full equality in the security burden. We call on the Israel Police to allow the recruitment process to take place in an orderly fashion and to protect the right of ultra-Orthodox youth to enlist without interference or threat.”

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