The Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the petitioner against the granting of firearms licenses, in response to the arrests at the ministry of national security:


The Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the petitioner against the granting of firearms licenses, in response to the arrests at the ministry of national security:

“The serious allegations made public today validate our claims in the petition to the supreme court and emphasize the enormous importance of complying with the rules of good governance, certainly when it comes to the granting of licenses for deadly weapons, by the ministry of national security. The fact that a criminal network managed to penetrate the system and issue hundreds of gun licenses to people who are not entitled to them, indicates a serious systemic failure and the lack of proper oversight and control. This is a real threat to human life and public safety.

We demand an in-depth and immediate investigation of the entire decision-making chain in the ministry of national security, including examining the responsibility of the political echelon. Furthermore, we call for the immediate cancellation of all licenses issued during the relevant period and a re-examination of all gun owners. The Israeli government must act without delay to correct the failed system and ensure that only worthy and qualified people possess weapons.”

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