The Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the petitioner, categorically rejects the ‘compromise proposal’ of the minister of justice: “this is a transparent attempt to harm the independence of the Supreme Court”


Adv. Dr. Eliad Shraga, chair of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel: “Minister Levin’s proposal is not a compromise but a complete surrender to his political agenda; an attempt to desecrate the temple of justice and bring back the judicial overthrow through the front door at a time of war. This will not pass!

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the petitioner to appoint a president to the Supreme Court, strongly rejects the ‘compromise proposal’ presented today by Justice Minister Yariv Levin regarding the appointment of a president and judges to the Supreme Court. The Movement sees this proposal as a direct continuation of the minister’s attempts to damage the judicial system and weaken the position of the Supreme Court.

Following the publication of the proposal, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel wishes to emphasize even more strongly its urgent demand that the Supreme Court make an immediate ruling on the petition it submitted regarding the appointment of a permanent president to the Supreme Court.

The Movement warns that Minister Levin’s proposal confirms the concerns we raised in our original request: “The so-called compromise proposal proves that all the minister of justice is asking for is to buy himself more time in order to advance his political agenda, while seriously undermining the independence of the judiciary.”

The Movement emphasizes that Minister Levin’s proposal is contrary to all principles of good governance and the rule of law:

  • The proposal seeks to bypass the appointment procedures stipulated in the law and regulations, while harming the independence of the judicial appointments committee.
  • ⁠It is attempting to impose political appointments to the Supreme Court, something that will harm public trust in the judicial system.
  • ⁠The proposal ignores the urgency of appointing a permanent president to the Supreme Court, and instead proposes a temporary arrangement that will further increase uncertainty in the judicial system.

In light of this, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel calls once again on the Supreme Court to give an immediate ruling on the petition, and not to respond to the minister of justice’s attempts to delay the ruling.

Adv. Dr. Eliad Shraga, chair of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel: “Minister Levin’s proposal reveals his true intentions – neither compromise nor broad agreement, but a clear attempt to take over the judicial system and weaken the Supreme Court. It is an attempt to desecrate the temple of justice and bring back the judicial overthrow through the front door at a time of war. This will not pass! We will continue to stand guard and fight in every legal way to protect the independence of the judiciary and Israeli democracy. We call on all citizens of Israel to wake up and understand the magnitude of the danger in this proposal.”

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